The Wendy Martinez Legacy Project was created by the family and friends of Wendy Martinez, a beloved daughter, sister, and friend who was killed in a random act of violence while on a run in September 2018 in her home city of Washington, DC. A thriving professional in the tech industry, an advocate for other women, and a passionate and talented runner who was active in her community, the Legacy Project finances projects at the intersection of women in technology, women’s entrepreneurship, and community strengthening through running.
Daniel Hincapie, Wendy’s fiancé, will run the 2019 Boston Marathon as a member of Team Lingzi. Wendy was a five-time marathoner who was trying to qualify for Boston; now, Daniel will run the iconic course in her memory and her honor.
“Wendy’s story touched our hearts deeply and reminded us so much of Lingzi,” said Lingzi’s aunt Helen Zhao, our board member. “By supporting Wendy’s cause, we honor Lingzi, and hope their spirits continue to live through the people that are touched and inspired by both Foundations’ works.”